NIH Director's High Risk High Reward Transformative Award (NIEHS R01 Grant)


Development of piRNAs for target-specific methylation.

The goal of this Transformative Award is to develop a suite of tools, based on the Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) mechanism, to accurately induce DNA methylation of targeted genes in adult tissues, applicable to all mammals.

NIEHS Environmental Factor Blog on piRNA project:

Children's Environmental Health Research Center (NIEHS/EPA P01 Center)


Lifecourse Exposures & Diet Epigenetics, Maturation & Metabolic Syndrome.

 Our Center seeks to understand the mechanisms by which exposures to mixtures of EDCs (bisphenol A (BPA), phthalate metabolites, lead, and cadmium) in utero and during the pubertal transition affect physical growth and maturation and lead to alterations in metabolic homeostasis, oxidative stress and contribute to risk of metabolic syndrome.

Michigan Children's Center Website:

Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource (CHEAR, NIEHS U2C Center)


M-CHEAR Michigan Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource Laboratory Hub.

The M-CHEAR Hub will contribute to large-scale national efforts to advance our knowledge of the impact of the environment on children’s health by offering high-quality, state-of-the-art laboratory support for a wide variety of targeted and untargeted analyses in biological samples from external researchers conducting epidemiology & clinical studies. The Dolinoy Lab leads the Biological Response Indicators Resource (BRIR)

CHEAR Program Website:

NIH Director's Blog: Creative Minds: Building a Better RNA Toolbox:


6. Epigenetics in the Fire Fighter Cancer Cohort Study


Completed Projects